Sombor is located in Vojvodina and belongs to the West Bačka District. Therefore, Sombor is one of the cities that are very well connected with the vast majority of cities in Serbia. The distance of Sombor from Nis is 441 km, from Belgrade 2015 km, while from Novi Sad it is exactly 100 km away.
You can get to Sombor in several ways:
- By car – If you are going from the direction of Belgrade, join the E-75 highway and follow its route until you turn off for Sombor. From Belgrade to Sombor, this type of transport will take you a little less than three hours.
- By train – You can also get from Novi Sad and Subotica by train. The price of a one-way ticket is 534 dinars, while the price of a return ticket is 794 dinars. For all other information, call the Sombor Railway Station 025 / 418‑922
- By bus – On this route, the transport is performed by 3 carriers: Lasta, Severtrans, and Best Komerc bus. The ticket price is 1150 dinars. The first departure from the station Sombor is at 04:00 h, while the last departure is at 18:00 h. From Novi Sad to Subotica, the lines are even more frequent, and for all additional information, call the bus station number (025) 44-11-66